Monday, October 1, 2012

The Letter "C"

Since I have always been around children, I decided to do a Blog on something that might help teachers now and maybe me later when I become a teacher myself. This Blog will be dedicated to me reviewing different activities from Pinterest to do with students around Kindergarten age that I or other people I follow on Pinterest found. (If you are interested in learning what Pinterest is or how it has anything to do with education, click on this link and when on the website look under "Categories" and click on "Education".) I will try to go over what worked or not when doing the activity with students, what I changed about it, and what other teachers I talked to would change about it. The link to the websites explaining the activities in detail can be found on the other page in my Blog called "Links to Activities and other Resources."

The first activity I am reviewing is the "C" Caterpillar activity. This activity was a great one that any teacher could incorporate in many different ways into their classroom! The children loved doing this project, but there are a few changes I would make next time I did this. I would run off circles of different colors and let the children cut out their own circles so I could document it as something that reinforced their fine motor skills. I would also have the children pattern the circles by color (for example: red, yellow blue, red, yellow, blue, etc.). A teacher I spoke with suggested that it would be neat if the children were able to decide if they wanted an alphabet, number, or name caterpillar. The children could label each circle with the alphabet (A, B, C, D, E, F, etc.), they could number the circles (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, etc.), or they could use each circle to put a letter of their name on it. There are so many different ways to do this, but I really liked the idea of reinforcing the alphabet, numbers, colors, patterning, and/or names. Have fun with this activity and explore all the many ways that it can be used!! 

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